Sven Gusovius

​​​ Documentaries, Reportages and Background Reports

Sven Gusovius

  ​Documentaries, reportages and background reports  

​ As an electrical engineer, I have been involved in the development and testing of technical products for a long time. The often one-sided, manipulative and not very fact-based reporting in the media provided the impetus for my journalistic work.  

​ The insect die-off, supposedly caused by non-native plants, is a good example of the untruths that are being spread and the influence these untruths have on all of our lives.

​ On the following pages I will give you an insight into the Insect Study conducted by me and my twin brother Eric Gusovius, 
the Media Research
the "Bamboo Project Gusovius" 
and the 
Film "Insect Study Gusovius: Facts versus Fake News, Ecocide".
I wish you exciting entertainment.
Sven Gusovius

To the Insect Study

​In addition to the website some important downloads:

"Stop the ban and destruction of non-native plants":
​Attachment to the petition:

​Summary and overview "​Bamboo Project Gusovius":

The Bamboo Project Gusovius as a cultural and educational project of the New European Bauhaus:

​Cooperation partners and supporters wanted!

​​#Zusammenland (TogetherLand), text from the campaign:
Dull populism? No thanks! The so-called "remigration" of our friends, neighbours and colleagues? Certainly not. And fascism? Never again! Germany does not need an alternative to freedom and diversity. We have learnt from history and have not forgotten how inhumanity - at first secretly and cautiously, then oppressively and brutally - penetrated society. The present time demands a clear stance. Together, we stand for an open country that courageously faces up to the challenges instead of allowing itself to be stirred up by right-wing propaganda. Because we already know where that can lead. So, this year counts: Against hatred and division. For a new togetherness. Strong together in a diverse #Zusammenland.